‘MY ACAP EDUCATOR ROCKS’ - Entries Now Closed

Winners will be announced, and their videos and messages shared Thursday 9th of July

Competition Details: 

Tell as about your favourite ACAP Educator and the impact they have had on you.

Upload a short video or post a detailed comment to the ACAP Student Facebook page to win one of five new ACAP Embroidered Hoodies. 

All entries must be submitted online on the ACAP Student Facebook site by midnight AEST, Thursday 2 July



All entrants must comply with the following guidelines:
   • Entry is free and open to all current and past ACAP students who are members of the ACAP Student
     Facebook group.
   • All video/post entries must be made specifically for the ‘My ACAP Educator Rocks’ competition 2020.
   • If you are a new student, you can still enter, simply relate your entry to a past or future Educator’s impact.
   • Each video must be no longer than 2 minutes and post to be less than 100 words.
   • Videos may be in any language or have no dialogue at all. Non-English audio (or important on-screen text) must have
     English subtitles. Written entries must be in English.
   • Ensure that all content in your video/photo (including footage, music, images, props, etc.) is your own. If you include any
     copyrighted or trademarked content, you must be able to provide written permission for its use. Entries containing any
     unauthorised content will be disqualified.
   • All entries must be submitted online on the
ACAP Student Facebook site by midnight AEST, Thursday 2 July 2020.


One Prize will be awarded to a winner in the following categories:
   • Most inspiring post
   • Most inspiring video
   • Most creative
   • Most likes
   • Student Support Favourite

Each video/post may only be submitted once. Entrants may submit up to 3 videos/posts, as long as they differ significantly
from any others submitted by that entrant.

Online Entry System:
You must submit your video/post on the ACAP Student FB page during the competition period.
If you have any questions, or are having trouble submitting your entry online, please email studentcentral@acap.edu.au, we
are here to help.


The following judges will judge each category:
   • Most inspiring video by the Dean
   • Most inspiring post by the Dean
   • Most FB likes by the Student FB Group
   • Most creative by Marketing
   • Student Support Favourite by a member of the Student Engagement Team

The judges may disqualify a video/post if they have reason to believe that it does not comply with the spirit of the

One winner in each of the five categories will be contacted via email and announced on Thursday 9th July 2020 on the
ACAP Student Facebook group.

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